Show Volunteers


Quilt Plano cannot exist without volunteers. There are many types of positions available before, during, and after the show. Look at the list of available positions below and select your best fit!

We need you, your spouse, your children, and your neighbors!

Volunteers who work at least four hours are given free admission to one day of the show and also receive a commemorative charm.

All members of the Guild must volunteer for four hours of show-related work, either before or during the show, to gain free admittance. There is no free or reduced admission for Guild Members who are not working.

There is an opportunity for everyone, whether you prefer a sit-down job or walking around, talking to the public or being in the background. Shifts are available from Wednesday through Saturday.

Click on the titles below to see a description of each volunteer position.

Volunteer Parking

For more information about volunteering, contact Dolores Williams.